I wanna drive, its been almost 3 months. I would be fine with an automatic but both are sticks.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
10 weeks down, 2 to go
Slowly Healing
I wanna drive, its been almost 3 months. I would be fine with an automatic but both are sticks.
My daily view, its really getting old but I got to watch the seasons change
As the title says 10 down and 2 weeks to go. So close yet so far. I go back to the doc in 2 1/2 weeks and hope to get cleared for full weight bearing. Therapy has been progressing great. It seems like such a slow process and day to day I can't tell any difference, but looking back at the 3 weeks of PT so far I have made huge strides. I am almost up to walking 1/2 mile in the pool and am up to 7 pounds of weight lifting with my leg. I stated riding the trainer last week and am up to 15 monutes with no problems. I am really looking forward to getting out and riding. I have been thinking about all of the rides I wanna do that I have been putting off for so long. The only downside is that it will be the dead of winter before I am able to ride outside but I have plenty of winter clothes so I have no excuse.
I wanna drive, its been almost 3 months. I would be fine with an automatic but both are sticks.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
6 Week Update
So today makes a little over 6 weeks since my surgery and 7 weeks since the accident. Recap so far:
Week 1:severe pain, and could only do 5 leg lifts on my own.
Week 2:Pain subsided, could bend my leg 90*3 times a day but otherwise have to keep it in a straight brace. And had worked up to 50 leg lifts on my own.
Week3-6:Pretty much the same as week 2 continuing to increase leg lifts and bending. Otherwise I'm stuck in the brace, and keeping the leg elevated.
Week 6: Pain is gone for the most part. I have been doing the exercises the ortho doc gave me religiously 3-4 times a day. I am up to 200 leg lifts a set and can bend my leg almost 110 degrees. The steristrips are still hanging on to the incision, but I can remove then tomorrow when I shower. Doc gave me a referral for physical therapy that I start next week. And the best news I can ditch the brace completely!
Life is boring right now but possibly getting better. I could not get through this without the support of my family and friends. Thanks all!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Broken Tibial Plateau-the right side of the xray is the depression and break. It was filled in with calcium crystals and is held in with a plate and screws.

So it finally happened. After 12 years of bike riding. I got hit by a truck. It wasn't one of the scary ones that comes up behind you or somebody passing to close. The guy pulled out from the intersection and t-boned me.
It started out as a regular 3 day weekend-plans to make snowshoe downhill race 3 on Sunday. Meeting up at seneca camp on Sat. possibly riding the road bike down. So Friday was a mellow stay around home day. Layed around home all day and Amber got off work at 5 so I suggested meeting her at the rail trail for a ride. Left home around 5 down thru colfax stopped and talked to jon for awhile then climbed out to whitehall. Across Sapps then a short stretch on rt 73 before turning left on industrial park. Riding up to the intersection I had my left arm out signaling, began "taking the lane" moving to the center of the road and make the left hand turn. There were a few cars stopped at the stop sign waiting to turn onto rt. 73 from industrial and I had no stop sign and the right of way. As I am swinging across the other lane in front of the truck he starts to pull out. Seriously is this a joke? It doesn't stop and he just keeps accelerating. Hold on tight this is going to suck. Impact was on the front bumper of his pickup to my bike and leg. I feel mostly ok some road rash from hitting the pavement on the right side, and my left leg feels like a pulled muscle. I felt like I would be able to get up and walk away, just give me some time. Police, rescue squad, fire dept all show up. They wanted to strap me down immobilize my head and take me to the hospital. I'm sitting on the road, I can talk fine, the only thing that hurts is my leg. Amber drove up and stopped. I refused the ambulance ride, she helped me hop to the car. They loaded the smashed up madone on the car and she took me home to change and then we went to the ER.
Usual ER stuff-Doc comes in, orders x-rays, then comes back in with the thumbs down. Can't determine how severe the break is but I have to see an orthopedic doc. Go home and ortho doc calls on Saturday, I'll have a cat scan on monday and then see him. Monday comes and he says broken tibial plateau and I will need surgery. Also says I will be non weight bearing for 3 months and will take another 3 months to heal after that. Ski season was mentioned and he laughed...maybe next ski season he responded. So surgery happens on Wednesday. I had to laugh a little right before surgery because he started shaving my leg. I have never shaved my leg and it just happened. then it was night night. Wake up and ouch the worst amount of pain ever. Finally got out of the hospital on Saturday. Life is very boring now. The pain subsided after the first week. Now I just have to wait for the bone to harden and heal.
It has been 4 weeks today since the accident and I can now bend my leg 90 degrees and do 150 leg lifts per set 3 times a day. Almost 1/3 of the way to walking again.

So it finally happened. After 12 years of bike riding. I got hit by a truck. It wasn't one of the scary ones that comes up behind you or somebody passing to close. The guy pulled out from the intersection and t-boned me.
It started out as a regular 3 day weekend-plans to make snowshoe downhill race 3 on Sunday. Meeting up at seneca camp on Sat. possibly riding the road bike down. So Friday was a mellow stay around home day. Layed around home all day and Amber got off work at 5 so I suggested meeting her at the rail trail for a ride. Left home around 5 down thru colfax stopped and talked to jon for awhile then climbed out to whitehall. Across Sapps then a short stretch on rt 73 before turning left on industrial park. Riding up to the intersection I had my left arm out signaling, began "taking the lane" moving to the center of the road and make the left hand turn. There were a few cars stopped at the stop sign waiting to turn onto rt. 73 from industrial and I had no stop sign and the right of way. As I am swinging across the other lane in front of the truck he starts to pull out. Seriously is this a joke? It doesn't stop and he just keeps accelerating. Hold on tight this is going to suck. Impact was on the front bumper of his pickup to my bike and leg. I feel mostly ok some road rash from hitting the pavement on the right side, and my left leg feels like a pulled muscle. I felt like I would be able to get up and walk away, just give me some time. Police, rescue squad, fire dept all show up. They wanted to strap me down immobilize my head and take me to the hospital. I'm sitting on the road, I can talk fine, the only thing that hurts is my leg. Amber drove up and stopped. I refused the ambulance ride, she helped me hop to the car. They loaded the smashed up madone on the car and she took me home to change and then we went to the ER.
Usual ER stuff-Doc comes in, orders x-rays, then comes back in with the thumbs down. Can't determine how severe the break is but I have to see an orthopedic doc. Go home and ortho doc calls on Saturday, I'll have a cat scan on monday and then see him. Monday comes and he says broken tibial plateau and I will need surgery. Also says I will be non weight bearing for 3 months and will take another 3 months to heal after that. Ski season was mentioned and he laughed...maybe next ski season he responded. So surgery happens on Wednesday. I had to laugh a little right before surgery because he started shaving my leg. I have never shaved my leg and it just happened. then it was night night. Wake up and ouch the worst amount of pain ever. Finally got out of the hospital on Saturday. Life is very boring now. The pain subsided after the first week. Now I just have to wait for the bone to harden and heal.
It has been 4 weeks today since the accident and I can now bend my leg 90 degrees and do 150 leg lifts per set 3 times a day. Almost 1/3 of the way to walking again.
Spring and Summer Recap
This past winter was epic. Words cannot begin to describe how awesome it was. Skiing over fences and 5 foot natural bases. Purchased a new pair of skis and totally dig them.
Winter turned to spring like the flip of a switch. It was almost like there was not an in between season with the cold rainy days-which made for more riding time.
April provided tons of riding and base building. Although I had to work for the WVMBA race weekends I still got tons of riding in.
May brought my first race of the season, the New Martinsville Road Race. I had gotten in some good base up to this point so why not push it some more. Caught a ride over with jon martin and after breakfast at a no name diner in mannington we made it there. Since I had just gotten my new super fast Trek madone I decided to race the 4/5 race. Not sure why I upgraded considering I had never even placed before in a cat 5 race. I missed out on bridging up to the 123 group at the start but kept the lead 4/5 group in sight the whole race and worked with a chase group of 5 or 6 riders. In the end I ended up 9th. Waited on jon to finish return to baristas for some food then grabbed the camelbak and started riding back to Fairmont. Ended up with around 100 miles for the day.
Next race up was the Tour de Lake. It was my first mtb race of the season and I def wasn't ready. Spencer is always wet and the day was no exception. Had a crappy start and 1st 1/2 lap. It started coming around after awhile and I began passing some folks and ended up 10th.
The following week was the annual spring Gnarly North Fork. It was a beautiful day and to this point the most memorable of all north fork rides. Towards the end of the trail we took an option and did a little bouldering out to chimney rock. I thought I had found chimney rock several times but I now know where it really is. On top there is an unobstructed 360* view, from petersburg to the north to the north fork river valley and the south fork river valley. Here's the GPS. Hardest 61 miles but did set a new time record for the ride.
June brought the first downhill race of the season and things went downhill quick before I even got to snowshoe. I had everything packed up and headed out early sat morning to get down and get some practice in on Saturday. My car has had a slow coolant leak for the last year but I had just been topping it off and keep on going, however on this day it wouldn't work that way. Between Buckhannon and Elkins rolling across the hills I look down and the temp gauge is beyond the red. Efff. Pull off cool down make some calls since jon hasn't been out to practice yet and let him know not to wait. Limp home and pack my stuff into the new car and do a retake that evening making it down around 9pm. Totally screwed now since I now I only have 1 hour of practice on sun morning, and I haven't rode my downhill bike since October. 1st practice run was just to get a feel for the course, 2nd I had to man up and hit it all including the baby road gap. Although I cleaned everything I just wasn't feeling fast and it showed in my race run. Had a good time though getting in some of the first DH runs of the season.
The rest of June and July I was kept busy at work and around home and didn't get much riding in. Around the middle of July I decided to do the Wild 100. I have done the race off and on since 2001 and know Slaty really well. Leading up to the race I put in a ton of road base miles and only 3 rides on my mountain bike. Just enough to where I knew I could finish the race. Race day came and at the start I grabbed the map and began looking for ckpt 1 glancing over the map I saw ckpt 2 then found ckpt 1. stuffed the map in and go. Several were already scattering jumped in the madness and i'm off. Battled with a coed team for awhile and had a couple solos pass me climbing up props. Is this really how the day is going to go? Going to ckpt 2 it started pouring the rain down and didn't let up. Gauley mtn trail turned into a river and the mudholes were bottomless. I was feeling good at this point picked up the pace and began passing folks. Ckpt 2 was an out and back so there would be 2 way traffic. Within a mile of the ckpt I pass the 2 leaders returning and with a few feet I pass a couple others. Confirm ckpt 3 and begin backtracking. Although I didn't immediately catch anyone I could tell I was in 6th overall. Really? I went from battling with a Coed team to 6th overall. Passed another rider and moved up to 5th. Can't really give the secrets out on the rest of the race but I ended up winning the solo class and was 3rd overall.
Also got to go back to Snowshoe and ride on Chucks birthday the first of August. It is amazing to see progression happen. I was completely sketched out at first, wouldn't hit a single feature taking the go arounds. WTF dave, this wasn't me but I couldn't do it. Even rolling up to upper quick draw I stopped and had to look at it before I would hit it. This led to Chuck saying that I was sketching him out because I wouldn't hit anything. I slowly progressed through the day getting comfortable and finally hit the baby road gap late in the afternoon. And when I hit it, it wasn't the must hit because I have to feeling like my practice before race 1, it was a progression my own self pushing me not someone or something else.
Next race up was the Tour de Lake. It was my first mtb race of the season and I def wasn't ready. Spencer is always wet and the day was no exception. Had a crappy start and 1st 1/2 lap. It started coming around after awhile and I began passing some folks and ended up 10th.
The following week was the annual spring Gnarly North Fork. It was a beautiful day and to this point the most memorable of all north fork rides. Towards the end of the trail we took an option and did a little bouldering out to chimney rock. I thought I had found chimney rock several times but I now know where it really is. On top there is an unobstructed 360* view, from petersburg to the north to the north fork river valley and the south fork river valley. Here's the GPS. Hardest 61 miles but did set a new time record for the ride.
June brought the first downhill race of the season and things went downhill quick before I even got to snowshoe. I had everything packed up and headed out early sat morning to get down and get some practice in on Saturday. My car has had a slow coolant leak for the last year but I had just been topping it off and keep on going, however on this day it wouldn't work that way. Between Buckhannon and Elkins rolling across the hills I look down and the temp gauge is beyond the red. Efff. Pull off cool down make some calls since jon hasn't been out to practice yet and let him know not to wait. Limp home and pack my stuff into the new car and do a retake that evening making it down around 9pm. Totally screwed now since I now I only have 1 hour of practice on sun morning, and I haven't rode my downhill bike since October. 1st practice run was just to get a feel for the course, 2nd I had to man up and hit it all including the baby road gap. Although I cleaned everything I just wasn't feeling fast and it showed in my race run. Had a good time though getting in some of the first DH runs of the season.
The rest of June and July I was kept busy at work and around home and didn't get much riding in. Around the middle of July I decided to do the Wild 100. I have done the race off and on since 2001 and know Slaty really well. Leading up to the race I put in a ton of road base miles and only 3 rides on my mountain bike. Just enough to where I knew I could finish the race. Race day came and at the start I grabbed the map and began looking for ckpt 1 glancing over the map I saw ckpt 2 then found ckpt 1. stuffed the map in and go. Several were already scattering jumped in the madness and i'm off. Battled with a coed team for awhile and had a couple solos pass me climbing up props. Is this really how the day is going to go? Going to ckpt 2 it started pouring the rain down and didn't let up. Gauley mtn trail turned into a river and the mudholes were bottomless. I was feeling good at this point picked up the pace and began passing folks. Ckpt 2 was an out and back so there would be 2 way traffic. Within a mile of the ckpt I pass the 2 leaders returning and with a few feet I pass a couple others. Confirm ckpt 3 and begin backtracking. Although I didn't immediately catch anyone I could tell I was in 6th overall. Really? I went from battling with a Coed team to 6th overall. Passed another rider and moved up to 5th. Can't really give the secrets out on the rest of the race but I ended up winning the solo class and was 3rd overall.
Also got to go back to Snowshoe and ride on Chucks birthday the first of August. It is amazing to see progression happen. I was completely sketched out at first, wouldn't hit a single feature taking the go arounds. WTF dave, this wasn't me but I couldn't do it. Even rolling up to upper quick draw I stopped and had to look at it before I would hit it. This led to Chuck saying that I was sketching him out because I wouldn't hit anything. I slowly progressed through the day getting comfortable and finally hit the baby road gap late in the afternoon. And when I hit it, it wasn't the must hit because I have to feeling like my practice before race 1, it was a progression my own self pushing me not someone or something else.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
XC Ski
So it's been awhile since I've updated this thing. Nothing exciting has really been happening. I've had this head cold/sinus infection for a month now. Missed out on all of the early january powder from being sick. We picked up a few inches yesterday and I decided it was time to head to Whitegrass. So here's how the story goes:
Woke up at 5am to a balmy 6 degrees. Arrived in elkins at 630 and stopped at hardees for the traditional biscuits and gravy. After I ordered the guy in the kitchen yells out that he put an extra biscuit on there, then he looks at me and says I look like i'll need it today. Listening to the local radio rolling through harman I hear the current temp in Elkins is -7*. oh snap that's cold. It's gonna be a cold morning. Rolled into the Whitegrass parking lot as the second car and immediately started bundling up for the trek. Started out with the tele skis and skins for a couple runs. I really like the fat skis and getting early tracks makes it worth skinning them to the top. Start up the hill and begin following someone elses tracks up to roundtop but they turn off there. Push on to the top o baldy making first tracks of the day to the top. Ski around the side and head to the springer trail. Stop at the top of the chute and rip the skins off. Not sure what to expect making my first turns of the day down this narrow chute. Start linking and keep on going, it feels so good, keep linking all the way down to the fence entrance. stop take a breather and realize how awesome that was and the best I have skied in a long time. Continue on down Springer all the way to the bottom linking turns and having no dabs. Stop at the bottom slap the skins on for lap 2. Still no new tracks up to baldy and it's almost 10am. Where's everyone at? Baldy shelter remove skins quick eat and head back down the way I came up. Ran into Tomi on the way down. Then on to roundtop and the top of the main slope. scoping it out it's chopped but still powdery. Start down then look up and see some lookers down at the lift shack. Keep linking turns all the way down non-stop what a blast. Got some good cheers and congrats going by the lift shack. Back to the car to regroup and eat lunch. Swap out skis for some skinny nnn touring skis and a challenge. Time to get some miles in now. Took some new trails up to baldy then across the pipeline to weiss short loop then back to baldy and down the main slope. finished up watching some of the ski racers rolling by and back to the car. 11miles, 5000ft,~5 hours
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday road ride
Went for one of my top 5 favortie road rides on tuesday. It is a brutal addition to the mountain road classic loop that was thought up many years ago. The route follows the mt road classic loop to rt 72 and st george but then crosses the cheat river and climbs up location and across stemple ridge to aurora. Then take a left on route 50 and you get the gnarliest road bike downhill I have found so far in WV off of cheat mountain. Then cruise along the cheat river back to join up with the mt classic loop by cool springs and over laurel mt to the end of the ride. ~65ish miles and 3 mt climbs.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
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