So it finally happened. After 12 years of bike riding. I got hit by a truck. It wasn't one of the scary ones that comes up behind you or somebody passing to close. The guy pulled out from the intersection and t-boned me.
It started out as a regular 3 day weekend-plans to make snowshoe downhill race 3 on Sunday. Meeting up at seneca camp on Sat. possibly riding the road bike down. So Friday was a mellow stay around home day. Layed around home all day and Amber got off work at 5 so I suggested meeting her at the rail trail for a ride. Left home around 5 down thru colfax stopped and talked to jon for awhile then climbed out to whitehall. Across Sapps then a short stretch on rt 73 before turning left on industrial park. Riding up to the intersection I had my left arm out signaling, began "taking the lane" moving to the center of the road and make the left hand turn. There were a few cars stopped at the stop sign waiting to turn onto rt. 73 from industrial and I had no stop sign and the right of way. As I am swinging across the other lane in front of the truck he starts to pull out. Seriously is this a joke? It doesn't stop and he just keeps accelerating. Hold on tight this is going to suck. Impact was on the front bumper of his pickup to my bike and leg. I feel mostly ok some road rash from hitting the pavement on the right side, and my left leg feels like a pulled muscle. I felt like I would be able to get up and walk away, just give me some time. Police, rescue squad, fire dept all show up. They wanted to strap me down immobilize my head and take me to the hospital. I'm sitting on the road, I can talk fine, the only thing that hurts is my leg. Amber drove up and stopped. I refused the ambulance ride, she helped me hop to the car. They loaded the smashed up madone on the car and she took me home to change and then we went to the ER.
Usual ER stuff-Doc comes in, orders x-rays, then comes back in with the thumbs down. Can't determine how severe the break is but I have to see an orthopedic doc. Go home and ortho doc calls on Saturday, I'll have a cat scan on monday and then see him. Monday comes and he says broken tibial plateau and I will need surgery. Also says I will be non weight bearing for 3 months and will take another 3 months to heal after that. Ski season was mentioned and he laughed...maybe next ski season he responded. So surgery happens on Wednesday. I had to laugh a little right before surgery because he started shaving my leg. I have never shaved my leg and it just happened. then it was night night. Wake up and ouch the worst amount of pain ever. Finally got out of the hospital on Saturday. Life is very boring now. The pain subsided after the first week. Now I just have to wait for the bone to harden and heal.
It has been 4 weeks today since the accident and I can now bend my leg 90 degrees and do 150 leg lifts per set 3 times a day. Almost 1/3 of the way to walking again.
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